I haven’t actually watched any Dancing this week, what with all the Important Posting and linky goodness therefrom and some real-life stuff to take care of. But that doesn’t stop me from knowing who lost, as some news stories see fit to put it right in the headline that Cameron was the one to go, even though they didn’t think it was important enough that the universally acknowledged front-runner got kicked to put that in any headlines I saw a couple weeks ago.
Ah well. I’ll get caught up tonight. Adios, Cameron, you were sexy and entertaining.
Update: Dancing QuickNotes!
Jennie & Derek, jive: Sorry, Jennie, they judges were right. Needs more snap, more precision, and fewer errors and wobbles.
Cameron & Edyta, Viennese waltz: Right on. I have to say that was the best Viennese waltz of any couple yet, and what a shame it did not earn him a spot for next week. Those three-steps are not easy, and he hit every single one.
Marie & Jonathan, rhumba: I’m a little out with the judges here, I thought it was a very good rhumba for her age and aplomb–and, her little jokes about “That’s not gonna happen” just made it that much better when she did bring enough passion into it to show on her face. Poor Donny looks like he’s aged three years in the last week.
Helio & Julianne, paso; Mel & Maks, tango: Good.
Round 2
Jennie & Derek, foxtrot: Muuuuch better than the jive.
Cameron & Edyta, cha-cha-cha: I thought it was better than the judges did. Oh well.
Marie & Jonathan, jive: Well, for a change, I agreed with all three judges: Not enough jive step (Bruno & Carrie Ann) but still way fun and cute (Len). And obviously enough to keep her going with the audience. Next week’ll be ugly, though: It’s got to be either Marie or Jennie going home.
Helio & Julianne, quickstep: Wow. Did he just drop her, though? Apparently part of the script … wow.
Mel and Maks, mambo: Even more wow. Carrie Ann, only a nine? Come on.