RIP Andrew Breitbart
We couldn’t spare this man. He fought.
I am very grieved at the hideously untimely loss of a warrior against the hateful elements of the left and a husband and father of four children.
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For Andrew…since your passing, i have spent, by a factor of 2 or 3, more time, on the net, searching for conservative sites. i’m amazed at the variety of good places to visit. in an ironic twist, in death, you may have saved this country in precisely the manner you intended. has anyone noticed the increase in outrage coming from the right? people are tuning into your life’s work. i believe the relevant people are waking up. one day, our children, and their children, will read about : breitbart, limbaugh, bozell, buckley, and all our other heroes,and hold them in similar esteem as: washington, franklin, adams. our country is on the brink. the progs are 7 mos.away from ruining our motherland. the greatest country in the history of mankind could be flushed into the ashheap of socialist history. we have a sacred obligation, and a ‘once only’ privilege, to pour every fiber of our being into this fight. the choice has never been more stark: to continue on with the progs who can only to stay in power by increasing dependency. or, choose the conservative way, tell people the truth, put our best effort forward, endure some austerity in the short term, and allow the people that have america’s welfare at heart, to lead this country to a new beginning. we have a democrat president, whom, through his 3 yrs. appears to have an agenda that looks vindictive in nature, and purposefully executed with an air of malice….. Andrew, you are my hero
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