Faces of The Bean
The Observer:
(After two different unbagged two-liters of Diet Coke had rolled off the bottom tier of the grocery cart and had been put into the seat with him): “Dad’s Diet Coke is going to be fizzier than he expects.”
The Negotiator:
(While a favorite song is playing in the car): “Can we listen to this one again?”
Me: “I don’t know. Maybe.”
Him: …
Him (while song is at about the middle): “Can you start it over from the beginning?”
Me: “Not now. Wait till it’s over.”
Him: “Thanks!”
The Seeker:
Him: “I can’t find the TiVo remote.”
His dad: “Did you look under these blankets here? That’s the first place I would look.”
Him (after search reveals no remote under blankets): “Where’s the second place you would look?”