While I Was Away …

Filed under:It's My Life,Mothering — posted by Anwyn on September 27, 2006 @ 10:31 pm

… from blogging, at any rate, I became an aunt! Sister Joy gave birth to her first child, a daughter who is hereby christened in blogspeak “The Flower Girl.” She is gorgeous, with dark hair and eyes and pale skin and pink cheeks. Sister Joy did not have an easy time of it bringing her into the open air, but that is past and both are doing very well.

Blog Redux

Filed under:Blogging — posted by Anwyn @ 10:28 pm

I’m still here.

I’ve essentially been on hiatus for the past two weeks while changing web hosting. That process is almost complete. Next project: install various rabid antispam items to make the pron spammers cease and desist their continued barrage on my 9/11 entry. And the med spammers too.

image: detail of installation by Bronwyn Lace