Aaron Sorkin Goes Back to the Well
…the same well that only lasted a combined three seasons on network.
The series stars Jeff Daniels as the co-anchor of a cable news show who must deal with a new team after his fellow host jumps ship for another job and takes most of the staff with him. Waterston will play his boss.
Olivia Munn and Alison Pill were recently added to the cast as a sexy financial analyst and an associate producer on Will’s show, respectively.
Sports Night and Studio 60 combined on a news set. No, but it’s a show about a news show so it’s completely different, right??
Update: Speaking of never-dry wells.
George Lucas
George Lucas says he already has 50 hours worth of scripts ready for a live-action Star Wars television series — but he’s waiting for a technological breakthrough to lessen the cost of shooting.
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Ye gods. Will the man never stop beating a dead bantha to death?
Comment by Bumble — June 3, 2011 @ 8:22 pm