But He Tries to Be a Good Person in Other Aspects of His Life

Filed under:Authors,Jerks,Priorities,Wacky Oregon — posted by Anwyn on June 19, 2009 @ 10:03 am

So that gives him a pass on calling soccer moms “brainless” and claiming people who live in the suburbs have “little to do and everywhere to drive.” Guess those soccer moms should’ve gotten off the highway and let him pass on his important business of, one hopes, leaving the state as quickly as possible.

His most recent story follows 17-year-old James Hoff through his troubling junior year of high school. He rants and raves about environmentalism and how we are all killing ourselves with our rolling smog machines. As he rages against society and capitalism, he yearns for the love of his ex-girlfriend Sadie. James’ soft side is slowly revealed in between his humorous rants.

One day after a mall visit he writes, “I love the rumor that the air in the malls is oxygen enriched to make you stupid and make you buy stuff. Why are you there if you’re not stupid and going to buy stuff?”

Soccer moms: Brainless. Mall shoppers: Stupid. Check-check.

As Nelson worked to craft the character and came up with the book’s unique narrative style (it is told as a series of journal entries, school essays and internet postings) he began to relate to his angry teenage character.

“The kind of stuff the guy does in the book is the stuff I did in high school,” he said. “I really felt like I was that kid. I was really in his brain.”

You mean, the author who thinks people who don’t live as he does are stupid can relate to a fictional teenager who thinks people who live the way he doesn’t want to are stupid? Pretty profound, you pretentious L.A. jerk.


  1. Soccer moms are hot. Just saying…

    Off-topic: Anwyn, your RSS feeds have the correct titles but are full of spam-like stuff instead of the blog content. Not sure what happened. I’m using Google Reader, if that matters.

    Comment by Allen — June 19, 2009 @ 12:57 pm

  2. Thanks, Allen–I know at least one other Google Reader user is having the same problem, and I know when I’ve tried to look at certain blogs from my cell phone, the same thing happens. I don’t know what to do about it for now–hoping that upgrading WordPress will stop whatever hole the spammers are exploiting.

    Comment by Anwyn — June 19, 2009 @ 3:32 pm

  3. The weird part is that the RSS feed itself looks fine when viewed directly. Go figure.

    Comment by Xrlq — June 20, 2009 @ 10:50 am

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