Pretty straightforward (both the show, and this review): He’s good, although so far the writers aren’t allowing him to show much real feeling, and she’s pretty bad. They’re both playing a bit over the top, but with him it seems like that’s the only way he thinks the character would go over, while with her it feels like it’s just the only way she knows how to play it. What her character needs: More Dani Reese. Stat. Play it down and actually have a hard shell, not just pretend to.
And while this article (via Whedonesque) goes on at length about their chemistry, so far I see no evidence of it. She’s about as attractive as a cast-iron icicle. He’s doing a little better, more like James Woods as Shark, but you can’t make a fire without friction.
Verdict: Will last longer than Drive, but that’s a pretty low bar. Put up something real pretty soon, guys.
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Tivoed it last night; now I just can’t wait to watch it. ;-)
How’s ’bout we talk DwtS? That I watched. 4 or so goods, and a whole lot of awful. When our niece saw the new pro girl dancing, she said, “That’t mommy!”
Comment by Bumble — March 10, 2009 @ 4:14 pm