Moonlight Returns Brighter
Then gets cancelled, along with Men in Trees, Shark, Journeyman (though I knew that one already), and Bionic Woman (that too) among a smattering of others that I felt I ought to watch because of the cast but which were too dumb out of the gate (Big Shots) and a sprinkling that I no longer have to feel guilty about not even trying.
Too bad about Moonlight–it was just picking up steam and making the most of the characters. The scene where Mick begged Joseph to turn him back into a vampire so that he could save Beth (again!) was masterful and showed why people need to keep casting Jason Dohring.
I’ll miss Men in Trees. Cuteness without saccharine and with just enough substance is hard to come by, and there are a few people in there who need to be hired again right away as well, notably Emily Bergl.
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No more Shark? Phooey.
I wondered where Jeri Ryan was for the last three episodes. Do you suppose she would’ve walked out on the show because it was being cancelled? You’d think they’d have a contract preventing that. But why else wouldn’t the co-star of the show be in its last three episodes? Weird.
Comment by Bumble — June 2, 2008 @ 10:18 am
I’ve never heard of those shows. My TV is always on the tennis channel. Are there other channels?
The lady who runs the place where I work out just came back from California, where she went with a friend who was “having a mid-life crisis.” It was some kind of “Moonlight” groupie convention. They found out while they were there that the show has been canceled, but said that the set has been put in short-term archives/storage. They said that might mean it will make a come-back.
It’s funny. The lady who owns my gym never heard of Moonlight either. I guess she and I will be looking for the series at Blockbuster or something, since that seems to be how I watch all my TV shows.
Comment by Anne — June 3, 2008 @ 10:59 am
They thought another network might pick it up (the CW) but that fell through. I don’t know if anybody thinks there’s still a chance. I can recommend it if you like vampire/private detective noir and can get past the cheesy factor in the first part of the season. :)
Comment by Anwyn — June 3, 2008 @ 11:09 am
After an overdose of Buffy around our house in the last couple of months, I don’t think I could get past it….
Comment by Anne — June 4, 2008 @ 8:17 am
♪♫♪ Where do we go from here? ♪♫♪
Comment by Bumble — June 4, 2008 @ 8:16 pm