Who, Me? Grouchy?
My friend the Garter Knight has emailed to say I’m too grumpy and to knock it off.
Come on, Knight, I’m not grumpy–we all know I’m bitter. And so are you–we lived without distinguishing accents in the same rural area/set of small towns in the Midwest, and you were having trouble finding a job about the same time I was losing one. Apparently my religion and my antipathy to people unlike me are not doing their comforting job. I guess I’ll have to buy a gun–problem solved!
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Lots of us are really bitter. I already have religion and a gun and don’t know where I’ll turn next. Maybe I’ll join Jeremiah Wright’s church and take in THAT uplifting message.
Did you hear he retired to a megahouse in a white neighborhood with something like a $9 million line of credit, all provided by his church? (Now I can really feel the bitterness and antipathy coming on….)
Comment by Anne — April 18, 2008 @ 2:07 pm
Dang Anwyn, I have been clinging to My God, My Guns, (and my gears- carsand motorcycles) since I was about 10 years old and I am not bitter, but I guess I should be… cause after all, I am just a rural midwesterner… But wait, maybe I am happy with my life and just bitter about the politician who happen to muddle around in my life. Maybe I just happen to like My God and My Guns and only needed to be reminded that I was bitter by some upstart elitist senator from Illinois, who only got into office when Jeri Ryan’s hubby tried to get her to do the dirty dance while he watched from afar… You know, he only really served as an Illinois Senator for about a year before he decided he needed to run for President. Ask Illinois people what Barack Osama did for them and you will get almost a universal shrug of the shoulders and a ” I dunno…”
Comment by Longbowman — April 22, 2008 @ 6:26 am