Quote of the Day, or Maybe the Whole Year
And the rest of the article is a must-read (seriously, go read) but can be summarized like this:
“… and the Obamas can’t.”
And should he be elected, that is the truth that will be validated about the people who vote him and his socialism into office.
H/t Hot Air headlines.
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I was shocked when I heard her comment, then shocked again by her follow-up comments intended to make the first one palatable. I had forgotten there are Americans who don’t like America.
I would like to think that when the election rolls around people will have been exposed to truth and substance and will choose wisely. However, some people will stay with the candidate they have invented. Scary times.
Hope you’re having a good trip to visit the grandparents.
Comment by Anne — February 23, 2008 @ 3:21 pm
Michelle demonstrates the power behind the throne. I can’t wait till Osama is annointed and we can have according to her Highness,
ein volk, ein vaterland, ein fuhrer.
These people are downright scary.
Comment by Thomas Jackson — February 25, 2008 @ 10:11 am