See What Declaring You’ll Never Ever In a Million Years Vote for McCain Even with a Pony and a Cherry on Top Will Get You?
Maybe, if you cross your fingers, a ticket even more of us will have an even harder time voting for and may sick up a little if we do so. Thanks, haters!
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You want a maverick? Conservative, a hawk? You want a chance? Joe freakin’ Lieberman! One way or another, the man should be Veep.
Comment by Garter Knight — February 15, 2008 @ 10:11 am
A Maverick is fine, just as long as it’s not the guy pictured in that post.
Fortunately, by staying in the race, I think Huckabee is lessening his chances of being on the ticket.
Comment by Slublog — February 15, 2008 @ 1:18 pm
Actually, the people threatening to sit out the election or even leave the party are well lost.
McCain will broaden the party’s appeal, garner votes from independents and Democrats, forge a broad coalition of Americans from the center and unite the country. The people who ‘sick up’ at the thought of electing McCain are nauseating to those of us who don’t espouse far right ideology. I consider them good riddance to bad rubbish. They are marginalizing themselves, and since I find a lot of their ideology abhorrent, I couldn’t be happier.
I hope McCain picks a centrist VP that alienates the far right enough that they will disassociate themselves with the party and we’ll be free of their stink, including the fans of Coulter, Malkin and Limbaugh.
Comment by docweasel — February 16, 2008 @ 12:21 pm
When I said “sick up” I was referring to the possibility of Huckabee on the ticket. You call him a centrist?
And since I’m a fan of all three of the people you mention, I guess that means I stink. Honestly, and for the fourth or fifth time, do feel free, doc, to go somewhere where it doesn’t smell so much for your sensitive nose. But if you’re going to stay, cool your fracking jets and stop insulting your hostess, you hotheaded ass.
Comment by Anwyn — February 16, 2008 @ 12:32 pm
I don’t hate McCain. I don’t trust him. I don’t hate Obama. I don’t even hate Hillary. It is simply a matter of some minimum standard. None of them meets it. I could have pledged support for McCain anytime from the beginning of his candidacy to now and I would still have the same influence on his choices as I do now, none. If McCain goes off the deep end on a running mate please don’t blame me. I will cheerfully decline any credit if he gets it right.
Comment by Ken Hahn — February 17, 2008 @ 1:44 am
Well, your writing is a bit unclear: “a ticket even more of us will have an even harder time voting for” seems to say you’re having a hard time now, you’ll have an even harder time is your link is true. You don’t mention Huckabee in your post. I don’t know, I guess its the Instapundit method of minimalist writing. I’ve always believed someone need not click the link to figure out wtf someone is talking about.
And the headline denotes you’ll never in a million years vote for McCain. If not you, then who?
Really, why do you get so incensed at me for being unable to divine the meaning of a cryptic post. Reading it again, it still sounds to me like you are not willingly voting for McCain unless you hold your nose, and you said ‘more of us‘ which would seem to include you.
You write a post commenting about how unpalatable McCain is to the right, I respond. Are you just in perpetual knee-jerk outrage mode?
You also stated I could post whatever I wanted, you don’t ban people for writing opinions, but you veiled threaten me in almost every comment I make. Sheesh calm down, its only the internet, they are only opinions, just as yours are opinions.
I responded to what you write. A bit more lucidity would probably go a long way to explaining what you mean and who you are talking about.
Comment by docweasel — February 17, 2008 @ 2:24 am
Buffer for leading blockquote.
Uh, yeah, that’s exactly what it means. I’ll have a harder time voting for McCain if the link is true–and at the link, Allah predicts McCain may choose Huckabee as his running mate to try to win the vote of Evangelicals who don’t seem to give a damn about good foreign policy or taxes.
Obviously, in this case, you’re quite wrong.
I didn’t threaten you. I invited you to go elsewhere for insulting me and insulted you in return. You don’t get to turn this around on me for you calling fans of Coulter/Malkin/Limbaugh names. You must’ve had an inkling already that I admire much about all three of those people.
AND, here’s the richest part–you complain that my post is enigmatic, that you thought it meant I was going to sit home rather than vote for McCain, so you went ahead and screamingly insulted those who will sit home rather than vote for McCain, all the while thinking I was meaning myself. So don’t bitch about how you found the post unclear when you went ahead and insulted me based on your faulty interpretation.
Comment by Anwyn — February 17, 2008 @ 7:53 am
As the good ship RINO sinks we hear the entreaties of the doomed going “haters, racists, etc.” Yes lets get a real good lefty as VP, how about Michael Moore.
Who in his right mind will vote for a faux lefty when you can vote for a real one?
Who will vote for a faux Marxist when you can vote for a screaming, raving Marxist?
This looks like a repeat of 1976. Kiss the goodship Maverick McCain RINO goodbye.
Comment by Thomas Jackson — February 25, 2008 @ 10:24 am
I think you misunderstand me, TJ. I want somebody more conservative on the ticket than Huckabee–fiscal, border-security conservatism.
Comment by Anwyn — February 25, 2008 @ 12:15 pm