Did You Guys Know There’s Going to Be a Fourth X-Men Movie?
Why the devil can’t they leave bad enough alone?
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Because they still get paid when they do their job badly. People will go see it anyway. *sigh*
Comment by Bumble — February 16, 2008 @ 6:51 am
Technically, it’s a Wolverine movie. Not having to try and shoehorn a subplot to keep Halle Berry happy won’t hurt it, and may just help.
Comment by Gib — February 16, 2008 @ 10:03 am
Yeah, I saw that–it’ll help, but the story overall was so thoroughly ruined by the third movie, and I generally tend to dislike prequels anyway, they go back and mess with continuity … blah. Here’s to Hugh Jackman, hopefully he can save it, but unless they get some better writers he’ll just look bad.
Comment by Anwyn — February 16, 2008 @ 1:27 pm