Utterly Hi-Larious

Filed under:Heh,Jerks,Politics — posted by Anwyn on January 22, 2008 @ 9:53 am

To see Democrats bitching because Bill Clinton is stumping for his wife. Only one of many (via Hot Air headlines)–and they don’t even bother to hide that it’s because they’re disgruntled that he’s not available to stump for Obama. If Hillary were not in the race and he were stumping for Obama, you’d be hearing universal Democratic cheers, except for some whining from the Edwards camp, and nobody would care half as much about that. He wouldn’t then be “unpresidential” or a divider–he’d be a team player!

Go on, President Bill. Stand by your woman. Obama hacks, go pound sand.


  1. It is just so painful to have to see him again. I was exhausted after 8 years of him being on TV every time I turned it on. That alone is a good reason to stop Hillary: no Bill for 4-8 years.

    Comment by Chuck Bell — January 22, 2008 @ 12:08 pm

  2. Fred dropped out. Ha ha, as Nelson Muntz would say.

    Comment by Tom Soppe — January 22, 2008 @ 1:16 pm

  3. She fled S.C. and left him behind.

    He’s such an egotist he can’t forget that he’s supposed to be helping her — it’s all about him.

    They sure are making Obama look good.

    Comment by Anne — January 23, 2008 @ 2:19 pm

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