A Blog for Fred Thompson
It took me long enough, but I’ve decided to vote for Fred Thompson in the Republican primary. His tax plan put the capstone on a bundle of policies that are soundly conservative, full of common sense, and moderate enough that they should be highly implementable. My impression of him personally is that he is a laid-back guy who will do what he must to keep his policy goals on track, and that’s a little more attractive to me at this point than a fiery go-getter who may be noticeably fiery on issues I’d prefer he stepped back on.
The reason it took me so long to decide is because I’m more in Quin Hillyer’s camp than Karol’s–the thought of a McCain presidency does not scare me. If I have to put up with some nonsense on illegal immigration and political speech for a hard-headed view of our military efforts and national security, I can. The thought of a Giuliani presidency does not scare me. If I have to put up with some personal pro-choice views and some gun nonsense for good judiciary appointments and a clear-eyed view of the war on terrorism, I can do that too. The thought of a Romney presidency does not scare me … much. I haven’t taken the time to find out enough about him. But unlike Dr. Dobson, I see which way the wind is blowing and I will not take any action that contributes to the country’s jeopardy of socialist health care, the continuance of abortion as an enshrined constitutional right, or ignominious cut-and-run.
All that said, Fred Thompson seems to combine the best of attributes and policies–approachable but not malleable, sensible but not overly stubborn, not so concerned about getting ahead that compromise becomes the order of the day. There are only a couple things I’ve heard him say so far that I didn’t like, and hey, he makes Allah noticeably grumpled. “Too late, too late” has been the media cry. He certainly hasn’t been too late for those of us who keep ourselves informed via the web. Ultimately it remains to be seen how he’s played to the TV, newspaper, and live-appearance crowd. A friend who’s spent time in Washington commented to me that his impression of Fred is of somebody who can govern, but not campaign–that he just doesn’t have a taste for it. To me that’s a personal asset, but unfortunately the lack of visibility that goes along with it may hurt him with the general run of primary voters. Run, Fred, run for all you’re worth. You’ve got my vote.
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Fred Thompson is the only candidate that has stated and published what he would like to accomplish as POTUS. Where are the other Republican Candidates on the issues…they are late to the party!!!
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Comment by Gomez — November 27, 2007 @ 7:47 pm
I, too, like Fred. It’s the WYSIWYG factor. I’m pretty sure that the Fred I’m watching is the Fred I’m likely to get, and he has the integrity that is sadly lacking in many of the other candidates. I suppose that’s one of the things I originally liked about GWB, even if he did betray a number of Conservative values on the domestic issues front.
Comment by langtry — November 28, 2007 @ 7:14 am
I’m a big Duncan Hunter fan, but he’s simply not able to break into the top tier. Fred’s my next choice though, and I may just vote for him anyhow down here in the Fla primary. Hate to abandon Duncan, but I’m worried that I might wind up with a choice in November between a New York liberal and Hillary! That would suck.
Comment by Tater — November 28, 2007 @ 8:36 am
Yep, I even sent Fred some coin last week (first time ever).
It’s all about substance vs style, and I’m sick and tired of sacrificing the former for the latter.
Not that it will matter in the OR. primary, OR. republicans are a wierd bunch (life long shell shock maybe), we will probably end up nominating the Ronulan…..eeeewwww.
Comment by A. Weasel — November 28, 2007 @ 12:20 pm
Oh, and Tater…..Thompson/Hunter ’08
Comment by A. Weasel — November 28, 2007 @ 12:20 pm
From everything I know about Hunter, which isn’t much at all, Thompson/Hunter would be A-OK with me. And as for the cash, I’m about to do that myself–also first time ever.
Comment by Anwyn — November 28, 2007 @ 12:27 pm