Is This Headline a Joke?
Worrying about “the Americans” more than “the importance of avoiding a Muslim backlash” in the wake of 9/11 is taken as evidence of “Tony Blair’s Corrosive Allegiance to George Bush Laid Bare for the First Time.” If the authors of the book being excerpted don’t have any stronger tea up their sleeves than that … zzz. The cognitive dissonance is pretty stunning, as well:
Blair followed the call by sending Bush a five-page memo, outlining his thoughts. (“His memo is a lot better than yours,” Bush would tease his staff. “That’s why I listen to him.”)
Blair argued the Taliban regime should be given an ultimatum: hand over Bin Laden or face attack.
He also argued that restarting the Middle East peace process should be a priority.
Finally, he stressed the cancer was not confined to Afghanistan, nor indeed Al Qaeda.
They would have to act against all who financed or supported terrorism.
Blair thought those things himself? Wrote a memo to Bush on the subject? Instead of allowing Bush to lead him around by the ring in his nose? Huh. I could’ve sworn the headline said …
The “sense being communicated by the US”, Campbell wrote later, was “that they were constantly trying to link Iraq into the equation. TB was keen to pull it back”.
Tony Blair was not all that gung-ho to get into Iraq? I don’t know, man … the headline sure said …
It is to laugh. Really.
Got it from Allah’s headlines. Of course.
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