I’m Kind of Tipsy

Filed under:Heh,Politics — posted by Anwyn on October 29, 2007 @ 8:04 pm

Which I’m going to use as my excuse both for linking the Huffy Post and for finding this somewhat hot. The Obama part, not the Ellen part, I hasten to add. SOMEWHAT, I said.

Ever tried Estancia Cabernet? I highly recommend it.

I had to type the period in that last sentence three times before I could make it be not a >.

Via (where else) Allah’s Fun House.

The whole thing reminds me, vis-a-vis Bill’s saxophone, of the time Billy Joel went on Letterman on his first night at CBS (or it may have been his last night at NBC). Dave told him he’d heard that Billy had been invited to Martha’s Vineyard to “jam” with Clinton, but that he hadn’t gone. Billy, my love, said (paraphrased), “Yeah, it wasn’t anything political or anything like that. I just didn’t think it would be a very good jam.”

My boy. Right on.

one comment so far »

  1. *snork* @ Billy Joel

    I listened to that Sesame Street CD you burned bought me during my last drive to Ohio to see our niece. I think he’d better stick to jamming with Oscar the Grouch.

    Comment by Bumble — October 30, 2007 @ 1:51 pm

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image: detail of installation by Bronwyn Lace