What I Learned Over Spring Break

Filed under:Children's Books,Church of Liberalism — posted by Anwyn on April 5, 2007 @ 11:29 pm

Dr. Seuss apparently believed that Soviet communism differed from American capitalism no more than eating one’s bread butter-side-down differs from eating it butter-side-up.

I believe that’s what Allah would refer to as nuance.


  1. Didja notice Amazon is trying to bundle-sell that book with “The Lorax” which is essentially bright-colored Al Gore speeches in narrative form?

    Comment by Anwyn's sister — April 6, 2007 @ 8:12 am

  2. What was the Al Gore
    Any why was it there?
    And why was it lifted and taken somewhere from the far end of Washington where the hippie-grass grows?
    The old Bush-ler still rules here.
    Ask him. He knows.

    Comment by Daddyman — April 6, 2007 @ 7:56 pm

  3. :laughs @ Daddyman

    Comment by Anwyn's sister — April 6, 2007 @ 8:42 pm

  4. Reminds me of some Soviet humor from the Brezhnev era:

    Russian #1: Comrade, what is the difference between capitalism and communism?

    Russian #2: Capitalism is the system in which man is exploited by his fellow man. But in communism, it’s the other way around.

    Comment by LagunaDave — April 7, 2007 @ 7:15 am

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image: detail of installation by Bronwyn Lace