Three Degrees of Secretary Gates
A good friend of mine did graduate work at Texas A&M, her husband received his PhD there, and their daughter graduated last spring. Their daughter played soccer for the school. At a match, my friend met and became friendly with Mrs. Robert Gates, wife of the outgoing president of Texas A&M and incoming U.S Secretary of Defense.
My friend has Mrs. Gates’s number in her cell phone. Kinda cool, no?
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Which gives you four degrees of separation from President Bush, which is five degrees of separation from every head of state in the world. Very modest on your part not to take it that far. (Now if it were as easy to find a decent forced-air HVAC repairman.)
Comment by nk — December 8, 2006 @ 3:54 am
Believe it or not, nk, I didn’t think about it in that way, but I did already put in a claim to be taken to the White House with my friend if she’s invited to a party or something. ;)
Comment by Anwyn — December 8, 2006 @ 9:22 am