Release Near?
Allah at Hot Air has the round-up of links to the Palestinian government’s remarks on the Centanni/Wiig kidnapping. He has speculated that if Hamas plays the big hero in getting them released, doesn’t that point to some involvement in the first place?
I would think so. Mainly because of their big “this is your fault too, Our Leaders” manifesto–if they really had that big an ax to grind, if they were trying to make a name for themselves, would they then roll over when Hamas said “Give it up”? It doesn’t make sense. In any case, from this point forward if this group does anything like this again, it won’t matter whether Hamas actually ordered it or not–we’ll know they could have stopped it.
Whatever the case, I hope they are rolling over and that the two men will be returned swiftly and safely. Godspeed.
Update: Freed, after converting to Islam at gunpoint.
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FOX reporters freed, but humiliated via forced con…
Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig were freed by their captors, who were most likely members of the Hamas and PLO.
If you ask me, the captors’ forcing the two to convert to Islam at gunpoint was very likely intentional – they likely knew that they worke….
Trackback by Tel-Chai Nation — August 28, 2006 @ 10:30 am