Kidnapped Journalists Still Missing

Filed under:It's the Jihad,Priorities,Sad — posted by Anwyn on August 22, 2006 @ 10:30 pm

Michelle Malkin asks that we keep Fox News reporter Steve Centanni and freelance cameraman Olaf Wiig in our thoughts and at the forefront of the blogosphere.

The spirit exhibited by a TV critic in San Diego is appalling. As Malkin quotes:

… the Fox sales pitch has been to deride other media, to declare itself the one source of the real truth, the sole source of ‘fair and accurate’ news reporting. As a result, there’s not a reservoir of kinship or good will with Fox on the part of the rest of the news media. You can’t keep insulting people and then expect friendship when you need it. They’ve made it a policy to keep a distance between themselves and the rest of the media, far beyond the usual competitive spirit, so that’s where they are: at a distance.

The insinuation of “Play with us on our terms or witness our indifference as you’re left to the mercy of terrorists” is despicable. The point is, do people, in their ordinary or professional lives, have enemies so hated that they wish these enemies would be kidnapped by murderers, or at least, once kidnapped, write them off as jerks who thus deserve to go down to their fate unnoticed?

No. Nobody does. Except debacles of human beings like Bob Laurence.

Update: A group calling itself Holy Jihad Brigades is demanding the release of “Muslim prisoners” in the United States within 72 hours and has released a video of the captives. It doesn’t seem effective to kidnap two journalists and then put out a leaflet introducing your terrorist group to the world and targeted at Arab leaders:

“Muslims have been oppressed around the world. The Arab world is doing what the American government would like them to do. The Arab world has sold out the Palestinian cause. All non-believers should become believers. You raped us. You raped our nation.”

I suppose it’s to the group’s bona fides that they kidnapped infidel journalists, but other Palestinian groups have up till now, they say, considered Western journalists off-limits. It’s going to irritate them, to say the least, that this upstart group considers itself more knowing about what must be done to coerce the West than the older, established groups. Infight?

Pravda remarks on the PR effects of the move for Palestinians, in an article notable for its circular equivalence reasoning: Israel’s as bad or worse than Hezbollah and other terrorist groups, but gee whiz, now one of those groups has captured journalists! Suddenly the terrorist guys are down by a run. I guess kidnapped soldiers and blown-apart Israelis really just can’t stack up to fellow journalists in the “leverage” column.

one comment so far »

  1. They’re alive…

    Just shortly after Michelle Malkin posted a special blogburst for supporting Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig, news has come out that they’re alive, and a video’s been released in which the Islamothugs who kidnapped them are demanding the release of “Mu…

    Trackback by Tel-Chai Nation — August 24, 2006 @ 12:51 am

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