Lisa Edelstein is leaving House.
I think it’s a little weird that she would choose to leave for what has been reported as the last season of the show. Maybe her character isn’t getting enough to do since the breakup?
I’m a little dismayed, a little okay with this. House was never going to wind up the series in a happy place, and it’s oh-so-much-more realistic that he gradually forgets about Cuddy and moves on, because that’s life. However pleasant it is to imagine that people carry the torch for their true loves forever, it’s not really all that true. I wouldn’t mind a return of the “asylum” phase of the show where House was with somebody who could have been The One under other circumstances, then let her go when he saw what the real circumstances were, and/or him meeting somebody who could be The One but we won’t know because the show ends, like Veronica Mars ended, with ambiguity and on the sense that the main thing is that House, like Veronica, is still walking through it all.
It is too bad, though, when an integral character doesn’t make it to the end. But I’m interested to see how they’ll play her out.
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Oh bother. I hadn’t gotten to the breakup yet. I’m about 10 episodes behind. I suppose it was inevitable. House has to push everyone away. It’s his thing.
Comment by Bumble — May 18, 2011 @ 9:25 pm
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