I have a sick child and plenty of other family/friend life issues occurring, so blogging is at a low. But I do want to know one thing, spoiler-free, please: With approximately five characters I care about still left identified “human” or at least non-Cylon (Adama, Starbuck, Apollo, Gaeta, and Roslin), why in the world should I bother watching last season and this current, final season of Battlestar Galactica? Come on, my TV peeps, help me out. I suspect disappointment is in my future and would rather not court it by watching.
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Hi Anwyn,
Sorry to hear about a sick child, hope all will work out for the best.
I just got back from the Ace of Spades blog and the morons had nothing better to do than ask “What have you been reading lately”. Thread is quickly filling up, so just an FYI as how to make a quick and easy post to occupy the minds of those who frequent your blog.
Best to you and yours.
Comment by jbarntt — January 19, 2009 @ 10:24 pm
As you know I have been a huge fan of the series since its premiere, but last Friday’s episode left me cold. I’m going to finish it simply because I started it, but if everything I learned in last week’s episode is to be taken at face value, I can’t imagine what is left to ruin.
So… unless you just want to see where it goes, I’d say don’t bother.
Comment by Allen — January 20, 2009 @ 12:34 pm
That’s just it, I was a huge fan too, had a few “WTF” moments but hung in there … right up until All Along the Watchtower. Thanks for the lack of spoilers, I appreciate it. :)
Comment by Anwyn — January 20, 2009 @ 12:43 pm