Favre to the Jets
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As a long time Packers fan, I really hope he does. The man has let his ego get the better of him.
Comment by jae — August 7, 2008 @ 10:44 am
Favre also tends to put his personal benefit above the organization benefit and this would destroy his integrity.
Comment by Daddyman — August 7, 2008 @ 4:11 pm
jae–not sure why he necessarily must be letting his ego get the better of him. He wants to play, yes, which may be a bit egotistical in itself, but he’s willing to play somewhere other than Green Bay, which suggests to me it’s not primarily his ego driving. If it were, wouldn’t it be more likely he would be throwing a fit about not still being the star in Green Bay?
Comment by Anwyn — August 7, 2008 @ 4:17 pm
He was offered a chance to earn his starting spot back, but didn’t want that (from my understanding of all this). I just don’t know too many people who walk away from a job, catch a whim, and get their position back when it’s already been filled.
He could have tried to earn it back but it doesn’t look like he wanted to. I can’t really blame the organization.
As for the ego remark, I wasn’t really referring to the star QB ego so much as the stereotype of the “typical male ego” (note I said stereotype). He just doesn’t seem to be able to stick to a decision when it comes to playing. Where he plays is his business, but it’s a shame for such a sterling symbol of Green Bay football to go out like this. I felt the same way when Reggie White left the team and played for Philadelphia.
Maybe it’s not ego at all. Maybe it’s just this irritated GB fan :)
Comment by jae — August 7, 2008 @ 6:37 pm
Word around here (read: in this house, from Daddyman, who follows this more closely than I do, listens to sports radio, etc.) is that the Packers made a show-gesture of offering him the chance to earn it back but that they had no intention of going through with it.
From where I sit, if they feared him going to the Vikings badly enough to prevent it, they should have played him themselves. It would have been far more honorable and I’d rather see *them* regret it than him. If they weren’t going to play him themselves, they should have said Goodbye and Good Luck, Wherever You Want to Go. He’s not their slave, though their interference in his job preferences sure makes it seem like it.
Comment by Anwyn — August 7, 2008 @ 6:55 pm
Daddyman’s comment above is referencing that: Green Bay decided it was in *their* interest that BF should not go to the Vikings so they made it seem like a jerk move on *his* part.
Comment by Anwyn — August 7, 2008 @ 6:56 pm
To address the second half of your comment, I think it would have been a great deal smarter to stay retired, as well. But since he didn’t, the Packers could have responded with a lot more grace, is all I’m saying.
Comment by Anwyn — August 7, 2008 @ 6:58 pm
Sorry for the inside joke. FWIW, that (totally false) comment came directly from my performance review at work this year, which was written after I informed my manager that I had interest in going to work for another team.
I find the similarity striking, so I’m mostly in Favre’s corner. Of course, my manager doesn’t have me under contract, so the comparison breaks down there…
Comment by Daddyman — August 7, 2008 @ 8:18 pm