Proliferation of What?
We don’t know, just that it’s to be “non-nuclear.”
[Christie Brinkley] is also on the board of directors of the Global Security Institute (they work for world peace and non-nuclear proliferation) and was recently in Rome for the Nobel Laureate Peace Summit.
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We can’t let anyone get the Solar Bomb before we do!
Comment by Allen — July 1, 2008 @ 8:05 am
I enjoy your blog. Am trying to use your contact links, but they do not seem to be working. Does “mousecrazy” from another website ring a bell? I remember an “Anwyn” from there. Are you the same one from there?
Apparently the “non-nuclear proliferation” Ms. Brinkley is most concerned about occurs on shady websites her ex frequents.
Comment by cindy — July 2, 2008 @ 11:30 am
Hi cindy–I don’t have links on the contact page because of spam concerns. It says the contact email address, broken up into three lines. I’m afraid “mousecrazy” doesn’t ring a bell; aside from blogs, the only other website where I am “Anwyn” is
Comment by Anwyn — July 3, 2008 @ 5:24 am
I hope you’re having a wonderful trip and that you’re getting in plenty of naps, too.
I don’t understand these folks who are against every form of energy except what operates their cell phones. Do they like brown outs, rolling blackouts, sitting in the hot and dark?
And the anti-nuclear people are their own worst enemy. Remember that celebrity protest a few years ago about transporting nuclear waste around or through NYC? I can’t send you a link or even remember where the waste was, but a friend in the industry told me that since the celebrities thwarted all attempts to get the nuclear waste moved, the company did the only thing they could: they mixed the waste with other material (it may have been dirt) until they diluted it to a lower concentration, then used it for backfill. Congrats, nuclear protesters. Now it’s safely stored right under your noses.
Comment by lifepundit — July 3, 2008 @ 9:14 am