And Just Like That
A friend says to me, of somebody else’s two small children visiting a state other than the one they live in, “First time they’ve been out of [small town in largely rural state where they live].” And just like that I appreciate far more the advantages of my military-brat upbringing.
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Same here – I’m always amazed when I encounter folks who’ve never left their home state or even home town.
Comment by CedarFever — June 29, 2008 @ 10:08 pm
There are a number of people like that up here. I knew some guys who didn’t leave the state until they were in college. I was raised a military brat, and get what my wife calls “the wanderlust” once in awhile – my oldest daughter is two and she’s already been dragged through 11 states and one other country.
Okay, the other country was Canada, but it counts. Sort of.
Comment by Slublog — June 30, 2008 @ 8:13 am
I spent the first eleven years of my life not going farther than I could go on foot or on horseback. My earliest memory of my longest travel to the “big city” was being held by my father in front of him on his horse. There were a handful of hitching rides on the policeman’s motorcycle or a farm truck but only because they happened to come up on me as I was walking.
I, now, do not like to travel. My wife is a big city girl and she does. My daughter is only six but she told my wife that what she likes about her more than she does about me is that my wife takes her places (New Orleans, Florida, Arizona, Greece) and I never do.
Comment by nk — July 4, 2008 @ 7:26 am