Out. Out. Out.

Filed under:Mothering,Priorities,Sad — posted by Anwyn on June 19, 2008 @ 1:25 pm

The more I read about public school systems and incidents that occur the more convinced I am that my son will never see the inside of one. Private schools may have as many dopey ideas, but at least if I remove him from one of them they will shrug their shoulders at the lost tuition and not bother me again.

** Out of their minds: Birth control without the consent of parents is wanted … because girls deliberately set out to get pregnant. So obviously, the problem was they couldn’t get birth control because of their parents!

** Out of money, they perpetually complain: Yet offering free meals to anybody under eighteen all summer long, no registration, no proving that your parents don’t feed you enough, no problem.

** Out of accountability and humanity: Parents, who sends their three-year-old child away on a bus? And then is left baffled when the child comes home with marks and bruises? My heart goes out to the child and may they find and punish the culprit, but parents, hello? Three years old! Can’t reliably tell where they’ve been, can’t clearly state who might have abused them, can’t fend for themselves in any way. Keep them out of places where parents don’t have direct supervision or control.

Get out, public schools. Get out of early childhood. Get out of the parenting business. Not needed, not wanted, not welcome.


  1. What I can’t stand is the new spin the pregnancy pact story is getting that it wasn’t a pact (so therefore 17 or 18 pregnancies on purpose doesn’t count). What did they expect when they took the shame out of teenage pregnancy? I understand they have daycare on the premises, strollers in the hall and make a fuss over new babies. If you ask me, that’s encouraging pregnancy. It wouldn’t matter whether these girls had access to birth control or birth control education. They obviously knew how to get pregnant and wanted to get pregnant. None of this is helped by Hollywood, either. I think lack of shame also plays a part in other insanities you address in this post.
    Maybe somebody should do an unglamorous documentary on these girls’ struggles with their babies and life. Unless they’re going to get so many handouts that it won’t be a struggle. (And guess who’s paying for the handouts.)
    We found a magnet public school that makes a lot more sense than the private school we were paying megabucks to. Private schools have different problems and shame over the wrong things (like what you wear, what kind of cell phone you have, and other stuff about stuff.)
    So, I’m trying to raise a daughter in a world where teenage pregnancy is romanticized along with lesbian chic (one of the most popular teen songs is “I Kissed A Girl”). It’s a struggle. So far, the biggest message about shame we’re getting from the culture is to have shame over imperfect skin and any extra ounces of flesh.
    God save us all.

    Comment by lifepundit — June 23, 2008 @ 10:05 am

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image: detail of installation by Bronwyn Lace