Hero to Zero in One Week Flat
**SPOILERS** for the Bones season finale below.
Perhaps the best two episodes of Bones, ever, were the last two: Bones’s father’s trial showed us both sides of the Boreanaz coin, the breezy Booth and the choked-up Angel, and last week’s hilarious open-micfest seemed like it would open the way for Brennan to get in touch with a few of her feelings.
Tonight they brought down the balloon with a sniper’s bullet. Brennan falsely thought Booth was dead for two weeks and everybody’s supposed to go on and be okay with it, and Zack is revealed as Gormagon’s apprentice.
Zack Addy.
Hey, writers? Some of us actually like this show. If the kid needed to depart, just kill him. You certainly wrote the rest of them as if Zack is dead. I assume he’s not returning; that’s merciful enough, given the horror of what he’s headed for, but the demolition of everything he was seems totally unnecessary and as gratuitous as all the gore shots of melting intestines and bugs crawling through eye sockets.
To add insult to injury you made one tremendous bloomer, almost as bad as during the trial when you made Russ Brennan out to be a witness for the prosecution. Bones’s “logic” conversation with Zack babbled about killing members of secret societies as good for the experience of humanity, yet Gormagon and his apprentices constituted a secret society, as the people they targeted did not.
Just because we like the chemistry between Boreanaz and Deschanel doesn’t mean we’re stupid.
Hire better writers.
Update: Eric Millegan isn’t leaving the show of his own accord, but he is leaving. In one of the most unbelievable, disbelief-unsuspended maneuvers ever. The character of Zack as drawn for the last three years would have amputated both his own arms rather than betray his mentor, Dr. Brennan. It’d be nice if the writers could at least pretend to have watched the show before. Zack’s character had a lot of completely untapped possibilities, all now wasted.
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“…it was a creative decision to shake things up and make a good season finale.”
Well, it failed utterly. They are fools.
Comment by Bumble — May 20, 2008 @ 10:54 am
Shock and dismay doth not an interesting and believable plot make.
Comment by Bumble — May 20, 2008 @ 10:59 am