Little Brother, plus a grinding team of blitzers, stuffing it into Brady’s smug, arrogant face. Way to go, Giants, that was totally incredible. The Patriots didn’t even come close to giving it away, either. It was taken from them by force. Hard fought and well done, Giants. A lot more lovin’ for Eli is in order.
And then there’s Bill Belichick, leaving the field with one second left while his team lines up for the last futile play. What an ass. Tony Dungy would never dream of perpetrating such an act of disgust towards his own team, Bill, no matter how close they came to an undefeated season before having it snatched from them. Which is why he’s the better man. How ya like them apples?
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I didn’t care either way, just glad to see Romney denied the opportunity to do a victory dance. Sure, Hillary! got one but she’s not the immediate enemy, he is.
At least until Wed ;)
Comment by docweasel — February 3, 2008 @ 11:57 pm