Care to Donate to Fred Thompson? is holding a fund drive to reach $248,846 by Friday in order to air Thompson’s TV spot all over Iowa for the rest of the time until the caucus. At the time I donated, 11:06 Pacific, the counter at the campaign website said $9,020. Forty minutes later, the counter was up to $17,927. Not bad for half an hour.
My hope is that with Giuliani lying low and the gilding beginning to rub off of Huckabee, Thompson’s driving effort in Iowa will position him for an excellent showing among the caucus-goers. The campaign’s performance so far has taught me a grim lesson about the limits of internet publicity–that there are a lot fewer people than I thought who, like me, get their information primarily from the web. So this TV spot will be vital for Fred’s final Iowa push.
If you care to donate to the effort, click here: