Just One Question, Mr. Mayor
Mr. Giuliani, what, exactly, are “exchange programs with Arabs and Muslims?”
I don’t understand what that even means. Exchanges between … sovereign nations? Think tanks? McDonald’s franchises? Exchanges of … students? Workers? Politicians? Pets? Hats?
Answer that before you try to sell me on anything else.
H/t: I love me some Hot Air headlines.
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You have to admit (you do!) that the Arabs and Muslims have got some really cool hats. But maybe he means he wants to exchange Kansas Muslims for, say, Persian Muslims. What’s the exchange rate on something like that? Will there be a tariff? We don’t need additional barriers to trade.
I seriously agree with him that America needs a make-over though. Our logo sucks, we don’t have any good movie merch, and we’re not properly hitting that critical 18 to 34-year-old urban demographic. We need some pizazz. We need to generate a buzz! We need to refresh the ads on the sides of our aircraft carriers!!
Comment by Norm — July 12, 2007 @ 8:34 pm
Rudy Giuliani or Vampire Ghouliani?
Comment by alec — July 13, 2007 @ 7:21 am