Yeah, Baby!
Billy Joel to sing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl.
He was pretty much my first favorite pop/rock musician, so that’s good karma for me. And good karma for me means my team has to win, right?
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Didn’t you used to have a Bears nightshirt?
Comment by Anwyn's sister — January 28, 2007 @ 4:33 pm
Ayup. Still do, in fact.
Comment by Anwyn — January 28, 2007 @ 4:45 pm
My wife’s uncle, a draft pick for the Bears who chose to go on to his Ph.D. instead, favors the Colts by seven points. To me it seems like an irresistible force meeting an immovable object — the best offense against the best defense. We’ll see. I have not won a bet with him yet, though.
Comment by nk — February 2, 2007 @ 9:10 am
Wow, cool. I hope he’s right. ;)
They’re gonna have to be the best defense ever to stop the pass, the run, AND the kick.
Comment by Anwyn — February 2, 2007 @ 9:23 am
The Bears are the best defense in the NFL. And I do not question that the Colts are the best offense.
BTW: I am kind of a Chicagoan but have not been a Bears fan since they threatened to move to Gary unless the Chicago taxpayers built them a 150 million dollar blasphemy of an addition on top of Soldier Field. Which we eventually did. Gary, Indiana vs. Indianapolis, Indiana?
Comment by nk — February 2, 2007 @ 12:13 pm
Heh. Yeah, I’ve seen the new stuff on top of the field. Why, next thing you know, they’ll be renovating Wrigley! ;) I’m a transplanted Indiana girl, btw, which is why I’m a fan.
I’m a bit ambivalent. I’ve been angered by the rash of new stadiums around the country when the old buildings are perfectly fine … I’m for a free market, in that if you can bring in more $$ by having a new stadium, go forth and profit, but when the city and taxpayers get involved that’s when I get skeptical–who makes the money, where does it go, is it actually a sound venture … it’s high finance, which I don’t understand at all. Which is just a long way of saying, at least they didn’t abandon Soldier for some bright shiny new soulless place. The Colts are getting a new stadium when the Hoosier Dome (yeah, yeah, I know its name) hasn’t even been paid for yet. :P
Comment by Anwyn — February 2, 2007 @ 12:22 pm
Now, I am a Cubs fan. Except when they’re playing St. Louis. And when they’re playing the Brewers I tune to 620 AM, the Milwaukee station, because I like Bob Euker.
In fact, Wrigley Field is being renovated but so far not in a destructive way. They’re just trying to stop chunks of cement from falling on the heads of the spectators.
Comment by nk — February 2, 2007 @ 12:44 pm
Yeah, I know. Big fight over extending the bleachers, as well as the rooftop seats.
Comment by Anwyn — February 2, 2007 @ 12:47 pm