Grey’s F-Word: Flap (Like a Chicken)
Event: The Grey’s Anatomy flap over Isaiah Washington’s alleged sexual slur against costar T.R. Knight has, predictably, landed Washington in “treatment” for his “behavioral issues.”
Problem: This latest brouhaha came not because he supposedly called Knight the name, but because he denied doing so. He was fatuous enough to use the word in question in public again when he denied the orginal cause of complaint and is now installed for the de rigeur reprogramming of public figures who publicly use words deemed unacceptable by the self-appointed hate-crimes police.
Subsequent to his use of the word after the Globes, costar Katherine Heigl, according to the AP, “characteriz[ed] the incident as one that should be handled privately among the show’s cast and crew.” If she thought that, she was the only one of the three who did. The same article reports that Knight went flogging the incident on Ellen DeGeneres’s show, repeating the word in public yet again (no charge when it’s one of the wronged group doing it!).
Two words, neither of them beginning with an F: Grow up. Don’t call your costars names. And wronged costars, challenge him to take it outside, or hell, leave it inside, but why would you want to continue fostering disunion on the set, discomfort where you work, by dragging the whole world into the problem? Oh yeah–because if you didn’t, you couldn’t get GLAAD to do your dirty work for you by dragging the guy off to “rehab.”
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[…] He Said the F-Word Spewed by Anwyn in Blog Bites Anwyn to Grey’s guys: Grow up. 01.26.07 at 8:41 pm | More like this:»Word Fugue»Word Fugue – The Holiday Edition»Word Fugue: The mid-Winter Edition Send Trackback Trackback URL for this post: […]
Pingback by Electric Venom » Blog Archive » He Said the F-Word — January 26, 2007 @ 6:42 pm
Remind me again… Grey’s Anatomy is a TV show, right? Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to step outside and light up a… Film Actors Guild.
Comment by Allen — January 26, 2007 @ 7:05 pm
[…] “So it turns out there’s a rule, if you say the word ‘faggot,’ you have to go to rehab. That is, if you deny having called someone a ‘faggot,’ you have to go to rehab. For denying it. Well, I guess that’s fair–some of us wanted Bill Clinton to go to jail for denying he had sexual relations with that woman.” […]
Pingback by Anwyn’s Notes in the Margin » The Joke She Should Have Told — March 5, 2007 @ 2:28 pm