Good Try

Filed under:Bumper Stickers — posted by Anwyn on January 9, 2007 @ 10:21 pm

I have a category for bumper stickers here because I like to read them and probably spend a few too many brain cells over-analyzing them. I don’t have any on my car because a) I wouldn’t do that to my car and b) why let everybody going down the road in my blue-city, slightly-less-blue state know my sensibilities? Far more fun to fume about their sensibilities in the privacy of my car.

Anyway, on to tonight’s example:

Protect the Environment: Plant a Bush Back in Texas!

(Scroll down to see the sticker in question.)

It’s better than “Somewhere in Texas … a village is missing its idiot” in that it has a direct expression of the particular area of policy disgruntlement rather than just indulging in namecalling, along with a somewhat witty suggestion for eliminating the bad policy. But the longer I stared at it, the more I found myself wondering about the nature of their directive to “plant” Bush … just makes you wonder exactly how deep they have in mind. If it had just said “Plant a Bush in Texas!” it wouldn’t have carried the rather sinister suggestion and would have been funnier.

I know. Focusing on minutiae. Hey, at least I’m in good company.


  1. I wonder if maybe that sticker is left over from the 2004 race. Planting President Bush “back” in Texas in that context makes a bit more sense. In two years he probably will go back to Texas… that’s where his home is. Presidents are term limited. Duh.

    If I were designing a bumper sticker like that (no matter who held the White House) I’d think twice about advocating the “planting” of any president… the Secret Service has no sense of humor that it is aware of. ;-)

    I also don’t understand why someone would want to sully their car with placards. I wear my opinions on my sleeve but I’m not about to mess up the second most expensive thing I own with some adhesive-backed, gunk-attracting nightmare.

    Oh wait… here’s an idea for a sticker:

    “Cars are for driving, not for reading.” I wonder how many people would see the irony. ;-)

    Comment by Allen — January 10, 2007 @ 9:42 am

  2. Preach it! I once got a minivan driver pissed enough at me to start pulling lane-changing shenanigans … because I was tailgating her while trying to read the fine print on her bumper sticker. If you don’t want people to read it, wench, don’t stick it on there.

    I think you’re right, the sticker would make a little more sense around election time.

    Comment by Anwyn — January 10, 2007 @ 10:07 am

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image: detail of installation by Bronwyn Lace