Holy Smoke
A woman blogger who makes Rachl Lukis look like a little ray of sunshine dancing on the wall for your amusement. Don’t believe me by this post or this one? Try reading her “About” blurb.
Can we sic this woman on Rachel’s Idiot Angry A(nti)theists?
Via my friend, Miri’s dad, Godwin the Garter Knight, who suggests we find and kiss this woman on the mouth. Dude … you can try. Send me the video.
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A woman? Cool! I love getting beaten up by women…
Comment by Garter Knight — June 13, 2008 @ 5:19 am
It boggles the mind that anyone can be seriously bothered to hear someone say, “I’ll pray for you.” I don’t believe in God so, from my perspective, the prayers themselves have no supernatural efficacy. However, when I hear someone tell me that they’ll pray for me (and if I happen to know that they are devout and sincere in their belief), I thank him or her. That is no less or more “offensive” to me than the phrase, “I’ll be thinking good thoughts” or “best wishes.” How can that not have at least a therapeutic value?
“I’ll be praying for you” -> Rabid Atheists Freakout
“Happy Holidays” -> Rabid Christians Freakout
I’m just praying that we all have happy holidays this year.
Comment by Allen — June 13, 2008 @ 9:34 am
I’ve been reading VA for a long long time and surprise! I love her and she needs to have babies with me. Not to mention, she has good advice about money and real estate. Since she’s completely anonymous, I actually like to think she’s a man because then my crush isn’t so confusing.
Comment by Rachel Lucas — June 13, 2008 @ 10:12 am
Wow, Rachel Lucas comments on your blog!! I am in awe. The coolest person who comments on mine is See-Dubya.
Seriously, thanks for pointing her site out. I read several of her posts and enjoyed them, despite some philosophical differences.
Comment by Mrs. Peel — June 16, 2008 @ 4:54 pm
Rachel–if she were a man, she’d probably be dead by now, because I can just picture what would happen to any man who dared open his mouth and say “You don’t have to be such a bitch about it” to a woman in a Starbucks or whatever it was. Dead dead dead.
See-Dub, you hear that? Rachel is cooler. Also sprach Mrs. Peel! But the really important thing is you’re both cool enough to comment *here*.
Comment by Anwyn — June 16, 2008 @ 4:57 pm