Did New Line Bother to Pay *Anyone?*
First Peter Jackson sues for his cut of Lord of the Rings, now the (!) Tolkien Estate.
“The Tolkien trustees do not file lawsuits lightly, and have tried unsuccessfully to resolve their claims out of court,” Steven Maier, an attorney for the Tolkien estate based in Britain, said in a statement. “New Line has not paid the plaintiffs even one penny of its contractual share of gross receipts despite the billions of dollars of gross revenue generated by these wildly successful motion pictures.”
Maier also claims the film studio has blocked the Tolkien estate and the other plaintiffs from auditing the receipts of the last two films.
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What a pain in the butt. Just one more thing to delay filmign of “The Hobbit.” I think New Line could afford to pay $150 Million to the Tolkien estate with the $6 billion it has made world wide. After all, just who wrote the story!?!?
Comment by Longbowman — February 12, 2008 @ 7:40 am