Get It In Gear, Iowa
It’s time. When you’re feeling a little love from even the big A, it means, in the immortal words delivered by Jack Palance, the day ain’t over yet.
It’s time. When you’re feeling a little love from even the big A, it means, in the immortal words delivered by Jack Palance, the day ain’t over yet.
Take a look at the info-blurb under Thompson as he’s speaking here and then tell me about your lack of bias:
Fred Thompson Opposes Abortion Rights and Same-Sex Marriage
What’s wrong with “Fred Thompson Supports the Right to Life and Heterosexual Marriage”? Nothing except that the one they went with sends a context of opposition to something that should be a foregone conclusion.
Time to find out how many Fred supporters are the kind who hang up on pollsters.
Update: Wyoming caucus day Saturday. Cowboy hats still play there, right?
image: detail of installation by Bronwyn Lace