So, CNN, you haven’t heard anybody say the questions from Democratic plants at last night’s debate were not useful? Allow me to fill that yawning void for you.
The questions were not useful. They were useless because this is not yet the general election, where the candidates need to face the monumental task of swaying voters either undecided on some of the core split issues between Democrats and Republicans or else outright committed to the opposite side. Last night’s debate was supposed to be about showing Republicans why one Republican candidate might be a better choice for their Republican primary vote than another Republican might be. It was not about giving Democrats face time to whine and badger the candidates about issues that Democrats may want to hear Republicans answer so they can point and laugh, but about which your average Republican doesn’t give much of a rat’s tail. I actually thought you might have realized this simple fact, seeing that you were hosting a debate for the Republican primary candidates, but since it seems to have escaped you: This was not supposed to be a platform for self-important Democrats with their panties in a wad to try to pin Republican candidates under their thumbs. That comes later. Not to mention that little point that the “populist” approach of YouTube was supposed to be about ordinary voters submitting questions they’d like to hear answered, not paid agendists.
I’m starting to think that by “a debate of their party” you really meant “Let’s see if we can’t turn it into a debate about their party.” But hey, if your intent was to piss our party off even more at yours, maybe they weren’t so useless after all. The saying is useful idiots, isn’t it?
Update: Because whatever you may have convinced yourselves of the intelligence level of Republicans, I assure you most of us will not look at a questioner like Gen. Kerr and say, “Hmm! There is a Republican who is angry about ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell!’ Wow, maybe I should vote Democrat after all!”
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Damn straight.
Comment by See-Dub — November 29, 2007 @ 6:33 pm