This Kind of Thing Gives the Rest of the Adults Who Like Harry Potter a Bad Name, See?
Can I take even some cold comfort from the fact that the guy narrating the video has the grace to seem a little embarrassed?
Why don’t the brainiacs at MIT or someplace at least make a snitch that flies? That would be a game. People could try to catch it with lacrosse sticks while the opposing team remote-controls it. But no, just these lamers on their stupid broomsticks.
Rachel Lucas should pick this up and cuss at them far better than I can do. Morons.
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*rolls eyes*
Comment by Bumble — November 28, 2007 @ 8:17 pm
I … I just…
Comment by Mad William Flint — November 28, 2007 @ 8:34 pm
I’d be embarrassed too if I looked that much like the title character from Jesus Christ Superstar. While playing Quidditch. In college.
Comment by Chuck Bell — November 30, 2007 @ 12:24 pm