Credit Where It’s Due
Tell the scum exactly how it lies, President Bill.
Not trying to take anything away from Bill, here, but isn’t it sad that so few of our current politicians are willing to do this that it becomes an occasion for major notice?
Update: Survey of Rachel Lucas says: Still a jerk. Though her word is much stronger and more appropriate. True enough, but the stellar cast of extra-big, um, jerks lining up behind him in his party who keep giving these malignant morons the time of day have worked their dirty inclusive magic often enough that Bill looks like a stand-up guy by contrast. What a world.
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Completely off topic, but I do love it when politicians (even Slick Willy) shout down idiots and others who interupt them. My favorite: “I paid for this microphone!”
God, but I miss Mr. Reagan…
Comment by Chuck Bell — October 25, 2007 @ 9:20 am
This is, by extension, Hillary’s Sistah Souljah moment: she won’t do it, so Bill steps in (remember their ’92 campaign slogan: “get two for the price of one”) and wins her credit with the few remaining non-wackazoids in the Democratic rank and file. The far left isn’t voting for her anyway, but their hope is that enough of the old regulars will recall what they loved about Bill and Hillary. Of course, this could well be the easiest smackdown in the history of modern politics, and the amount of courage it took to do so was so small I don’t think it can be measured. But Bill really told them — oh boy!
Comment by Jon S. — October 26, 2007 @ 7:29 am
I feel like Carrie Fisher in When Harry Met Sally: “You’re right, you’re right, I know you’re right,” but despite or maybe because of the small amount of courage required, it’s rather telling as to who will and who won’t do it. Even some of the unhinged on the left side, like Maher and Geraldo, will tell these people where to get off while people running for the highest post in the country absolutely refuse to do so. It. Is. Sad.
Ah well. As political calculation it’s both brilliant and, as you say, low-hanging fruit: Probably nothing else Bill could say or do at this point would get an “Atta boy” out of me so fast as that.
Comment by Anwyn — October 26, 2007 @ 7:48 am