Dancing with the Stars Week 3
That Cheetah Girl, Sabrina, is the Joey Fatone of the season. But of course we all saw what happened to him at the end.
Edyta Sliwinska, Production people who choose music, what were you thinking having people dance a tango to “The Beat Goes On?” Dumb dumb dumb dumb duuuumb.
Bruno Tonioli: For the love of God, shut the hell up when it’s not your turn.
I can’t figure out what Cuban’s problem is. He can do some reasonably good steps and seems to have energy, yet lacks the real explosive power of the real dancers and seems to have no idea how to move properly.
Wayne K. Newton, will you PLEASE GO NOW.
Okay, something that bugs me about this show every season: Judges, please make up your minds as to who you’re complimenting or castigating for the choreography and musical interpretation. Sometimes you lay it on the pro and the next minute you’re complimenting the star, in this case Marie Osmond, for knowing exactly what kind of portrayal works best for her. Make up your minds!
Part Two: Results Show.
Wow, Seal is not good live. Also he is not Elvis, whatever his pelvis might believe to the contrary.
Len compliments the field for a broader group of high talent than usual–more couples who set the bar high, as opposed to two or three really good couples and a blah backfield. But here’s the thing: The higher general standard this season is not up to the high specific standard set by the last six really great couples: Joey and Kym, Laila and Maks, Apolo and Julianne (and though they won, I thought they were third of three); Emmitt and Cheryl, Mario and Karina, and Joey and Edyta. Sabrina and Mark are very, very close to that standard, but unless some other couples start to push harder, it’s going to be a comparatively ho-hum season without those three or four fireworks couples to battle it out at the end. This can only be a good thing for Sabrina, however: Perhaps her great talent will have less trouble overcoming her lack of name recognition.
Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus: Hot or Not? Survey of Anwyn says: Billy Ray hot, Miley decidedly not. All I ever knew him from, obviously, was the Achy Breaky Heart, so hell, it’s a pleasant surprise just to find out he can play the guitar. Very sweet song for a father and daughter, but Miley seems to have forgotten she’s singing country. She’s trying to be R&B, she’s borderline out of tune, and her superfast vibrato is grating. Sorry, Hannah Montana fans, but you’re overpaying. A lot.
In other news, a rhumba–to a country song–and it actually works–!!! Maks and Karina, love it.
Nice feature about the music procedure.
I watch all this TiVoed, obviously, which is why I don’t have a TV blog–I can’t keep up with everything the exact night it airs, otherwise I’m sure I could fill up a TV blog and then some. But anyway, I always fast-forward through most of the talking that goes on. Just now when I had to start FF again, my comment: “Don’t talk to them, just eliminate them.” Kind of like, “Don’t name them, you’ll get attached!” Get on with it, already.
Okay, this new thing this year of having the judges opine right before they eliminate? Terrible. Makes the judges look like fools having to give advice for the future, not to mention lie about the present, to the star about to be booted off.
Eliminated: Wayne Newton. Thank you. Poor Cheryl. We’ll see you next year, babe.