
Filed under:Cool,Heh,It's My Life — posted by Anwyn on October 12, 2007 @ 11:33 pm

Took The Little Bean, age four, to the local high school football game tonight, between the public high school (1-4 going in) and the Jesuit high school (4-1 going in). I saw a public HS twit with the following legend magic-markered (I guess it would be “Sharpied” nowadays) on his shirt: “We don’t need Jesus to win.”

I don’t think Jesus, or Jesuit’s star running back, liked that at all. Jesuit walloped the public school 42-zip.

Nobel Peace Prize Loses Whatever Shred of Credibility It Had Left

Filed under:Church of Liberalism — posted by Anwyn @ 9:47 am

Out: Repulsive old bats who’d like to assassinate the president. In: Religion of Peace Global Warming. Cindy Sheehan just emailed Ace to say she wanted to kill Bush way before Betty did and therefore would’ve made way more peace if she’d only had a time-travel machine and also that she’s running for office and Gore is not so she will make way more peace than he might or might not in the future when she kicks that warmonger Pelosi out of office.

Why doesn’t the Nobel board just save themselves some time and put out a statement delivering the prizes for the next five years to Bono, Rosie O’Donnell, Arianna Huffington, Leonardo DiCaprio, Barack Obama? It appears all you have to do to win it is espouse leftist/socialist talking points and be famous.

image: detail of installation by Bronwyn Lace